First delivery of homegrown melons from Costa Rica
The first watermelons from our own crop in Costa Rica are set to arrive in week 8. Our subsidiary SFG Dulce in Costa Rica consists of six growing locations over a total area of 550 hectares. They are divided across 4 growing regions, Parrita, Orotina, Guanacaste and Bajo Capulin in order to mitigate risk.
The season starts with seedless watermelons followed by Galia in week 9 and Honeydew and Cantaloupe in week 11. We are also awaiting Piel de Sapo and will be receiving deliveries of watermelons in bins soon.
Unfavourable weather conditions mean that this year we have decided to start a bit later in order to guarantee the quality of our own brand DULCE. Brazilian melons will continue to be available to us for a few more weeks, thus allowing a smooth transition to Costa Rica.
It goes without saying that the crop is certified with full traceability guaranteed. We are looking forward to a delicious melon season.